Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Cynical Me.

Here I stand,
In the middle of nowhere,
Everything looks bland,
Life's givin me, my share.

I cry out, i fall,
There isnt any expectation,
Or even a want,
For a lift or haul.

I look around me,
I see nothin,
I look behind me,
I see nothin,
But lo behold thee,
I have a lil foresight,
n ahead of me,
I see a dim light.

Its hope, i guess,
That'll save me ,
From this distress,
Shall I stop here?
Or shall i go further,
A lil near,
To the land of wonder n Dreams,
thats jus a lil way ahead,
But wat if its not, wat it seems,
If its jus misty darkness instead?

I stand still, I wait,
N wait for things to be better,
Hoping things wud jus ,
Return to their normal quarter,
Coz its a serene calm night,
A horrified Silence,
Accompanies it wit Fright.

I'm waitin for da Sun to Shine,
Yet he seems to b,
In a situation,
Jus lik mine.

Havin second thoughts, is it?
Shud he come or mayb he shudnt!
'Why?'- I ask, 'U're my only savior!'
'Trust me'-he replies,
'For i shall hav da final Say,
Unfortunately, for u, my dear
Tomorrow might not be,
A Better Day.'


raghu said...

might not b a bettr day?

Abhu said...

tejal...its damn gud. and i can exactly understand how u feel coz u've jst summed up my feelings. even i sumtyms wonder whats gonna happen next. everything is soo unclear and hazy. i wish i cud forsee wat future holds for me. but i know dats not possible.*sigh* um losing. and i dont wanna lose. i dont know wat to do.

Tejal said...

@raghu- yea. a lil pessimism i guess.

@abhu- thank u :) we'll hav to find a way yaar..v hav to kno wat to do..v just hav to.. its no use bein ignorant now!

Sneha said...

why so negative, scorp? go see 'The Secret'. don't feel negative feelings, they attract negative things into your life... just think and imagine of what you WANT dearie. really, just go watch the movie or read Linda. Peace.

about the poetry as such- didn't know you write poetry!!!! Pleasantly surprised! heehee :D


vry nice !
keep it up
seems u r lost miday in midteen crisis !\
hmm sab kee saath hota hai !
dont worry try n see the silverlining ! n luk beyond the horizon...

Tejal said...

@sneha- yea..i kno its n negative! alwaz so overly-optimistic n all.. dunno re, these boards r probably makin me go bonkers :(

poetry..erm well..hhehehe..thenks.. me not much into it..hehhe.. dun think i've done a great job but..heheh.. i lik givin surpriese :)

@aayush-thank u :)
er..midteen crisis? lol..never herd of it!
maybe evrybody goes thru but me isnt takin it in very gud spirit!
neway..yes, shall try to see da silverlining (n a gold one too if it scope of diamonds is it? lol.. bad joke!)