Wen god created us, he must hav been a teacher or a lecturer or sumthin of dat sort.. or else, y wud he setup so manyyyy examzz for us..
i mean.. jus luk.. da first exam was for Adam n Eve bout dat Apple thingy ( wat logic was dat?? as in.. if u dun want them to eat it then either dun create da fruit or dun restrict them.. coz restrictin them instigated both of them to actually taste wat was forbidden!! no point seriouslyyy..) n then ther were so many exams for da ancient rulers in da name of wars( big shit really..).. n now for us intellectual n intelligent creatures, v hav board examz!!!
y? y? y?.. i simply ask myself.. v dun study for them.. v feel guilty.. v stop enjoyin our gifted life.. y? y? y?.. y cant v jus live a peaceful life, full of other things lik T.V., movies, internet (..hehe..).. ok.. seriously.. v can do much more interestin stuff.. y simply waste tym on sumthin wich doesn't interest us at all???
Lik Julius Caesar said "Cowards die many tymes b4 their actual death", evn students die many tyms b4 THEIR actual death.. so much pressure on da fragile shoulders of young innocent kids *wicked grin* ..
lolz.. my xams on 2...booohooo i dislik xams.. its such a waste dat2 skool xams..i mean i dnt care aboun my mrks.. my parents dnt care.. teachers dnt care n frnds dnt care.. i wonder y i dnt jus bunk n sit at homE!
i swear! but dearie, not to worry! (that rhymed!) i suffered last week, now it's ur turn. muahaha. but ill soooo miss u in class :(
which clss?
not in da same coll u both?
bettaa.... but u HAVE to study... and ur exams r coming up rite?? so GET TO WORK.
@raghu- we go to the same classes but are in different colleges..
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